>>>Need to find a JOB!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring is Around the Bend......

Spring is finally almost here and I can't believe that we have almost made it to the date we will agagain have health insurance. What a miracle. My husband finally found a job making something similar to what he did previously. While we are still making considerably less than we die before, I finally feel that we can survive and move on. We are more thankful than we can say and we will be paying it forward from now on. This experience has humbled us, made us stronger and made each day so much more enjoyable. I don't believe we will ever again look at a job or income or any of our blessings in the same way.

The names of those who brought us through this period of time are too many to mention them all, but we will never forget! I hope to never let a day go by again without at least offering up prayers for those in need or performing small acts of kindness. I know that our country and our neighbors still have a long road, and we fully realize that circumstances could change and put us right back in the thick of things - we are far from secure and more than likely will never be where we once were.......but we have the knowledge that we can survive and overcome much with the prayers and a hand from those around us because none of us are alone - WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!